
Although you may not believe this if you know them, occasionally people at Sandwich say things which they may later regret. This page is to make sure they’re not allowed to forget!

Here’s a list of some of the finer comments!!

Simon, the silver tongued beast, has a way with the girls!!
Simon to Pam : Is that top from Next?
Pam : No
Simon : Oh, is it a cheap imitation??

Simon to Marie : Why does it say OAP on your top?
Marie : Simon, it says GAP, not OAP!

Simon to Marie : Your hair looks nice today – not as big as usual… no… I mean… not as bushy!

Simon to Kate : Have you ever thought about advertising for men?

We’ve had some good comments on our travels abroad. Here’s some of the best :-

While travelling to a tournament in Holland, Vikki is navigating, Duncan is driving…
Duncan : So, which way now?
Vikki : I don’t know, all I know is that we’re somewhere in France
Duncan : Er, Vik, we’re in Belgium …. can someone else take the map please!!

On a trip to France, we think we’re in safe hands with two Frenchmen in the team for local knowledge. After an hour of trying to find the place, Damien borrows Vikki’s phone to get more directions. After 20 minutes of expensive talk in French to our hosts, Damien gives the phone back.
Vikki: So which way then??
Damien: Oh… I don’t know… she seems very nice though!

Its not always the Sandwich players that come up with the memorable quotes. On our recent trip to a tournament in Rotterdam, the Dutch ref catches up with us at the end of the game to give some much needed advice…
Dutch ref: The boys… they are good ……..the girls… why do they not move?
(couldn’t have put it better myself!!).

Then there was Vikki refereeing classic, when the ball goes out of play off the attack, and the nearest defending player happens to be a redhead, inadvertantly calls out ‘Ginger Ball’!! … Nice one!!

The latest quote goes to Pam, reminiscing about the trip to Barcelona last year:-
Somehow my skirt ended up in another dormitory…. I’ve no idea how that happened.

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